Background: A stroke is a sudden, non-conclusive loss of neurological function due to an ischemic or haemorrhagic intracranial vascular event. Stroke is a leading cause of death and a leading cause of serious, long term disability in adults. Three months after stroke, 20% of patients remain wheelchair bound and approximately 70% walk at reduced velocity and capacity. Aim of the Study: To find out the effectiveness of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation [PNF] with conventional therapy on gait improvement of subject with sub-acute stroke. Need for the Study: Apart from the type and duration of PNF treatment, the duration of hemiplegia should be considered a factor affecting functional recovery. There is considerable doubt over the benefit of PNF for patients with hemiplegia of more than 6 months duration. In respect on the nowadays view of evidence based treatment, scientific support of our actions as a physiotherapist is necessary. In case that in our patient management the PNF approach gets a place a search for external support is needed. Further evidence is require for the same as it is lacking still, for which this study is being done. Methodology: Study Design: Quasi Experimental, Study Type: Comparitive, Sample Size: 12, Sampling Method: Simple Random Sampling, Study Setting: Home Based, Study Duration: 3weeks. Inclusion Criteria: Hemiplegia secondary to cerebrovascular accident with symptom of more than 6, less than 12 months, Brunnstrom stages 4 & 5 of lower limb, Ability to walk at least 18.3 meters or 60 feet without manual assistance, with or without an assistive device, at one’s preferential speed, Intact kinaesthesia for the hip, knee & ankle. Exclusion Criteria: Patients with symptoms lasting less than 12 months, Previous PNF treatment to the pelvic region, Old case of stroke, Patients with memory disorders, Other neurologic or orthopaedic disorders, Unstable cardiovascular condition, History of psychosis, History of foot deformity, Non co-operative patients, Unstable vital parameters. Results: There is statistically significant difference in group –A [PNF with conventional therapy] between pre test and post test of Timed Up and Go test at P<0.05.