Autism is a developmental disorder caused by combination of genetic and environmental factors. It is characterized by difficulty in social interaction, communication and repetitive behavior. The signs and symptoms of autism are usually noticed by the parent in the first two to three years of the life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestone at a normal pace and then regress between the ages 1 to 3 years. According to DSM-5, it comes under autism spectrum disorder along with Asperger syndrome which is less severe. Cognitive impairment and sensory issues are one of the most challenging things seen in these types of kids. In this study we selected a total 150 children and grouped in groups A (Autism), B (autism with history of Brain injury near term, labor or soon after) and C (Control unselected group). We employed mHBOT (ambient air at 1.3 atmospheric pressure) plus all standard rehabilitations (Special Education, Speech and OT/Sensory Integration Therapies) to groups A and B while group C served as control cases who received the same standard therapies but no mHBOT. Two outcome measures: VSMS and CARS result were used for pre v/s post therapy statistical data analysis. The results suggested that group B, that is autism with past brain injury, had a more significant result (p=0.02) as compared to plain autism group A (p=0.04) and group C (p=0.05). The result suggests that group A autistic group given mHBOT also, had superior significant results compared to control non-mHBOT group. We conclude from our results that mHBOT gave statistically superior cognitive changes in autism and more so in autism with hypoxic brain injury. We need to continue the study with more subdivisions of type.