Aim: The aim of the study is to determine whether the knee chest position with interferential therapy and interferential therapy alone helps in reducing the severity and duration of primary dysmenorrhea in college going female students.Menstruation is a periodic and temporary genital bleeding, which is defined as cyclic uterine hemorrhage dependent on endometrial disintegration. The first period usually begins between 12 and 15 years of age, a point in time known as menarche. The length of menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman, the average days between the menstrual cycle is about 24 to 35 days. Dysmenorrhea is one of the most prevalent gynecological problems among adolescents and young adults, associated with menstruation. The prevalence of Primary dysmenorrhea is about approximately 50% to 70% of women and 10% of them are sufficiently intense to interfere with daily life. Physiotherapy reduces pain and promotes better quality of life by means of some analgesic modalities, such as electrotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massage. This study reveals whether the interferential therapy with knee chest position and interferential therapy alone improves the quality of life of the femaleswith primary dysmenorrhea.
Background of the Study: The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of knee chest position and interferential therapy on primary dysmenorrhea.
Methodology: The experimental study was conducted at ACS Medical College and Hospital for twelve weeks (3 days per week). As per the selection criteria, 30 subjects with Dysmenorrhea were grouped as Group A and Group B with 15 subjects. An informed consent was obtained from the subjects and a detailed demographic assessment chart was documented. Before the commencement of the treatment, the procedure was explained to all the subjects. MOOS menstural distress questionnaire (MMDQ), visual analogue scale (VAS) was given to the subjects before and at end of the treatment. Both the groups received the Interferential therapy for 15miutes, Frequency 90-130Hz, Spectrum:20-50Hz. After the interferential therapy session Group B received Knee to Chest position.
Result: The data analysis of this study has shown that Interferential therapy along with Knee chest position is more effective in reducing pain and improving the quality of life than Interferential therapy alone.