Background: Targeted Hip Abductor strengthening programs in patients with end
stage knee osteoarthritis lead to improvement in symptoms and quality of life. Often ignored in post operative rehabilitation programs, there is sufficient evidence that the hip abductor weakness present prior to surgery continues after TKR and is not improved with current rehabilitation interventions.
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of adding hip abductor strengthening exercises to conventional protocol for post TKR patients in sub-acute phase.
Methodology: Experimental study design with thirty patients, sixteen female and fourteen male patients with age group between 50-70 years who had undergone TKR and the study was conducted in three Hospitals in Chennai.
Outcome Measurement: The Physical function was measured by WOMAC and the Quality of Life is measured by SF-36 questionnaire. RESULTS: The WOMAC Score and health status measurement SF-36 Scores shows significant improvement in post TKR patients by including hipabductor strengthening program with conventional knee rehab protocol.
Limitations: Study conducted in small group size with short duration.
Conclusion: It is concluded that hip abductor strengthening exercises along with conventional knee rehab protocol found to have great effects for post TKR patients in functional outcomes and quality of life