This paper has made an attempt on study on the effects of urbanization on environment in Bangalore urban district. There is a close relationship between the environment and the health of the persons living in an area. The geographical expansion and demographic growth of urban areas have exerted an adverse impact on the urban environment. The large scale of agricultural land in the urban area converted into industries, housing, infrastructure development like road, rail etc. has resulted not only in loss of greenery but in creation of urban heat island. The urban areas have big share in the present day environmental problems from solid waste, automobiles, increase in motor vehicular traffic in cities has contributed to air and water pollution which in turn has an adverse effect on the health of people. The present day environment degradation increases due to rapid urbanization in cities like Bangalore. This paper mainly examines the environmental problems due to urbanization and identify the environmental related health problems in Bangalore city. The data for the paper would be collected only by the secondary sources.