Background: Suryanamaskara is a traditional method of yogic practice that offers prayer to sun god which involves various physical postures with breathing and relaxation. Suryanamaskara also involves variety of forward and backward bends, these movements stretch the spinal column and massage, tone and stimulate vital organs through alternately flexing the body forwards and backwards (Kristine M.Fondran)
Purpose: The present study has been designed to know the effects of suryanamaskar on positive and negative emotions and perceived stress of college students by making them practice for 30 days.
Methods: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Data normally distributed (significance P Value .05). Sample size of 60 between the age group 18 and 19 years belonging to both genders were randomly selected. They were randomly allocated to 2 groups with 30 students of each (experimental and control group). Subjects were assessed at the beginning and at the end of 30 days of intervention using positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS-SF), the Perceived Stress Scale, a stress assessment instrument.
Results: The data were normally distributed (P >.05). Both pre and post data were analysed using parametric paired sample ‘t’ test. The baseline data across the groups were not statistically different (P>.05). Post +ve effect (p<.05), post-ve effect(P<.05) statistically significant, whereas post PSS(P>.06) but still showed the signs of improvements though it is statistically not significant.
Conclusion: The Null Hypotheses was rejected as the result proved that the practice of suryanamaskara among college students showed significant improvements at their emotional levels as well as stress levels.The result was very much evident that the suryanamaskara performed with perfect breathing pattern and relaxation has positive effects at the emotional and stress level.