A sixteen week trial was conducted to assess the effect of replacing cassava grit (CG) for maize on the haematology and serum biochemistry of 120 “day old” Harco cockerel chickens. Four experimental cockerel starter and finisher diets were formulated with diet 1 formulated to contain 0% cassava grit while diet 2, 3 and 4 were formulated to contain cassava grit at 33.3, 66.6 and 100% replacement for maize. Chicks were randomly assigned to the four treatment diets in a completely randomized designed (CRD). Haematological indices assayed revealed that Hb, PVC and RBC were significantly (P<0.05) influenced with highest value recorded in birds fed the control diet. WBC, Platelet, MPV and PDW were also significantly (P<0.05) higher in birds fed 33.3%CG. MCV and MCH were significantly (P<0.05) higher among birds fed the control diet. MCHC showed significant (P<0.05) variation among birds fed the treatment diet with highest value recorded among birds fed 33.3% CG. Neutrophil was significantly (P<0.05) higher in control and Lymphocyte was also significantly (P<0.05) higher among birds fed 66.6%CG. Serum biochemical parameters assayed in this study showed no significant (P>0.05) variation among birds fed the treatment diets. It is concluded therefore that Cassava grit can replace maize up to 33.3% inclusion level in cockerel starter diet for improved blood quality