This paper presenting the effect of nano silica and fly ash on compressive strength of cement mortar. The nano silica (size of particle is 17nano meters) content is varied from 0 to 4% with increment of 1%. The fly ash is also taken as pozzolona material for cement mortar and this is taken in to the mix as replacement to the cement. The fly ash is varied in the proportion of 0,10,20,30 and 40% in the cement mortar mix along with nano silica. The cement mortar cubes are tested at 3, 14, 28 and 56 days to evaluate the compressive strength. The results are revealed that, the mix with nano silica and fly ash is effective at 1% and 20% respectively. The effectiveness of nano silica for the fly ash cement mortar is noticed at and after 28th day of compressive strength. The regression model is developed to assess the compressive strength of mortar as function of %of nano silica and fly ash. To support the compressive strength of cement mortar SEM analysis is performed.