Background: Adhesive capsulitis is condition characterized by progressive loss of both active and passive range of motion with potential of spontaneous resolution in 3 years. It is common in age group of 40-65 years. Many studies have shown the effect of kinesiotaping on adhesive capsulitis alone but there is lack of literature which prove that if kinesiotaping given along with mobilization will show any early recovery in patient with adhesive capsulitis. Thus there is need to see is there any effect of kinesiotaping along with kalternborn mobilization in in patients with sub acute adhesive capsulitis. Methodology: Two groups were taken, Group A received kalternborn mobilization and Group B received kinesiotaping along with kalternborn mobilization. Both groups received protocol for 3days/week for 4 weeks. Result: Statistical analysis shows improvement in VAS score, all shoulder range of motion and shoulder pain and disability index score in both groups at end of 2nd week and 4th week. But when compared between groups kinesiotaping along with kalternborn mobilization shown more improvement than kalternborn mobilization group alone