Background: Trapezitis is an inflammatory pain causing a severe neck spasm. Ischemic compression is frequently employed as a means of deactivating Trigger point. The pressure is gradually applied, maintained and the gradually released.
Aim: To evaluate the effect of ischemic compression therapy in the treatment of upper trapezitis.
Methodology: Moderate digital pressure will be applied to the identified Trigger point as subjects rated their level of pain on a scale from 1 to 10. The position of ease is produced through positioning the muscle in a shortened/relaxed position. Ease is defined as the point where a reduction in pain of at least 70% is produced. For upper trapezius, high sitting with the head side bent towards the involved side while the practitioner positioned the ipsilateral arm in flexion, abduction and external rotation to report the Trigger point pain. Once the position of ease is identified, it will be held for 20-30s.
Results and Discussion: Paired t test was utilized for within the group and unpaired t test was utilized for the level of significance between the groups.
Conclusion: Ischemic compression is effective in treating spasm and pain relief of upper trapezitis.