Background: To determine the effect of ice application to anterior thigh on maximal functional performance tests and to find the prolonged effect of ice bag application .The result helps the players to know when to return on field after application of cryotherapy following an injury.
Methods: 30 subjects were selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria. An informed consent statement was obtained from them. Then the participants were asked to perform single-leg vertical jump test and agility shuttle run test. A 1-minute rest period was allowed between maximal functional tests. The values were taken and it was considered as pre- test values.
Result: The results show that the performance of the participants has decreased after the application of cryotherapy. Also, at first minute after application of cryotherapy there was decrease in the performance and at the tenth minute after application of cryotherapy the performance increased but not equal to the pre test value.
Conclusion: This Study conclude that the performance of the athletes decrease soon after the application of cryotherapy.