Background. Loss of estrogen in menopausal women can cause vasomotor symptoms, cognitive impairment, and impact the quality of life. Hormonal therapy (Tibolone) is the most common therapy despite being very expensive with harmful side effects (endometrial bleeding, breast cancer). Therefore a safe and beneficial alternative treatment is always sought, namely acupuncture. This study aimed to compare the effects of electroacupuncture with Tibolone on climacteric symptoms, hormonal changes (estradiol level, estrogen receptor), and lipid profile in menopausal woman. Methods. A Randomized Clinical Trial study. Subjects were divided into two groups:electroacupuncture (n=37) and Tibolonee therapy (n=37). Unpaired t-test is used to test the difference between the result of electroacupuncture and Tibolone. To know the effect of acupuncture and Tibolone on lipid profile, ANCOVA Mulivariate Analysis is used. Results. There is no significant difference between electroacupuncture and Tibolone on climacteric symptoms and level of estradiol (p>0,05) and vaginal estrogen receptor. There is an effect of electroacupuncture and Tibolone on HDL (p=0,009,95%CI1,09-7,27) and Triglyceride (p<0,001,95%CI27,97-76,26). Conclusion. There is no difference between electroacupuncture and Tibolone on decreasing climacteric symptoms, and increasing the level of estradiol and vaginal estrogen receptor. There is an effect of electroacupuncture and Tibolone on HDL and Triglyceride.