Every year huge amount of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) shell is discarded as waste in chocolate industry. The present study is to investigate the efficiency of biocomposted cocoa shell waste and its impact on the vegetative and yield characters of cowpea [Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp]. Different treatments were used C - control, T1- (cocoa shell waste + Eudrilus eugeniae), T2- (cocoa shell waste + Pleurotus eous + Eudrilus eugeniae), T3- (cocoa shell waste + Pleurotus florida +Eudrilus eugeniae), T4-(cocoa shell waste + Pleurotus eous + Pleurotus florida + Eudrilus eugeniae). The present study concluded that T4 treatment is significantly increased the vegetative and yield characters of the test crop. Biocomposted cocoa shell waste increase the vegetative and yield characters of cowpea and availability of soil nutrients.