Carbendazim and copper oxychloride are commonly used in control of many fungal diseases in agriculture. The study was undertaken to assess the effects of carbendazim and copper oxychloride on seed germination, seedling growth, vigour index and biomass of chilli. The study was carried out for 14 days after soaking the seeds in different concentration of carbendazim and copper oxychloride (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4 %) with five replicates, a control (Untreated) was maintained. The carbendazim treatment results showed increasing trend in germination percentage, growth, vigour index and biomass of the seedlings. The germination parameters like root length, shoot length, vigour index increased at 0.2 % and at higher concentration i.e., 0.4% it declined. Copper oxychloride showed phytotoxic effect on chilli showing inhibitory effects on the selected parameters at 0.2% and 0.4%. The synergistic effect of carbendazim and copper oxychloride will be beneficial for the plant growth showing maximum biomass at 0.05% suggesting combine use of both fungicides will be more beneficial for the plant growth as growth promoter.