A field experiment was conducted to know the effect of application of bio fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield potential of potato at Horticulture Research Block of School of Agricultural Sciences, Shri Guru Ram Rai University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India during winter season of 2016-17. 3×3 Factorial Randomised Block Design (RBD) was arranged with three replication for each treatment. There were ten treatments used in which one control and remaining treatment comprising combination of inorganic fertilizer and bio fertilizers. The cultivars were used for the study was Kufri Chandramukhi and Kufri Jyoti. Growth parameters were plant height, leaf number and branch number while yield parameters were tuber weight, and tuber yield were recorded. Application of different bio-fertilizers alone or in combination with others revealed that the bio-fertilizers have stimulatory effect studied growth parameter of potato. The highest tuber weight and tuber yield with treatment T9 using (T6 + Bio fertilizer; Azotobactor and PSB). The results showed that the application of different bio fertilizer along with fertilizers revealed significant positive impact on number of leaves per plant, number of branches per plant, plant height, tuber weight and yield of potato tuber.