The vitiated Apanvayu when takes seat in the space between guda (rectum) and Basti (urinary bladder), produces firm and elevated stone like growth. This growth in turn produces obstruction to passage of faces, urine and flatus and Adhmana (produces distension) and leads to intense pain in suprapubic region.
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In Vatavyadhi Nidan, Acharya Sushruta also explained the disease Vatashitala as one of Vatavyadhi.
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In Vatasthila there is a growth in between rectum and urethera which leads to symptoms like sanga etc. therefore the disease BPH correlates closely to Vatasthila.
BPH is a slow progressive disease and the management of which is achieved by either conservative or surgical methods. Prostatectomy i.e. surgical removal of prostate gland is a golden treatment for BPH but it is associated with many complications like post operative morbidity, impotence, retrograde ejaculation etc. However, following surgery, despite the relief of obstruction, not all patients are relieved of their symptoms. The incidence of voiding dysfunction and associated symptoms after prostatectomy for benign disease has been reported to be 5 to 35% [Emberton et al 1996]. Apart from that a cumulative probability for reoperation has been estimated up to 15% within 8-10years. Hence, considering above facts, the conservative methods from both modern and Ayurveda point of views are seems to be more feasible.
In Ayurvedic classics, several drugs in different dosage forms and combinations have been advocated for treating Mutrakrichchhra or Mutraghat. After referring several classical texts, following drugs have selected for present study for oral administration. The selected drugs are: - Varuna stembark (Crataeva nurvala), Shigru stembark (Moringa olerifera) and Goksuru fruit (Tribulus terrestris) & Shodhit Shilajit. These drugs (Varuna , Shigru , Goksuru and Shilajit ) have been used in combination in the form of ghansatva filled in capsules for better compliance. Basti therapy has also given by using Dashmool Kwatha with Narayan Tail (for Niruha basti) and Narayan Tail (for Anuvasan Basti).The case described in this article is treated with the same guideline as described in Ayurveda and a satisfactory result were obtained. Though 15 cases are not enough to prove the efficacy, author has tried to share his experience through this article to state that Ayurvedic treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is very effective and enhances the quality of life of patient without creating any side effects or with minimal side effects.