Introduction: Competency based medical education (CBME) curriculum recommends feedback following formative assessment, but it is not fully implemented due to multiple factors. As a result, most of the times, either feedback is not given or its given in a generalized manner. Materials & Methods: Study was conducted in 62 Phase I MBBS students who scored less than 50 percentage in physiology for the 1stinternal examination. They were divided into 2 groups. Following formative assessments, students in a group offeredindividual structured feedback and B group general feedback. Another assessment on all these topics was conducted and their performance was compared to the previous. Student’s perception was studied by a self administered questionnaire using a 5 point Likert scale and 2 open ended questions. Statistical analysis was done using unpaired t test and p value <0.05 was taken as significant. Results: In group A, the mean assessment scores increased after the individual structured feedback which was found to be statistically significant (p value 0.002). In group B, the mean assessment scores after general feedback was lowered which was also showing significance statistically (p value of 0.000). Majority of them gave positive response about individual feedback. Conclusion: Individual structured feedback helped the students to improve their academic performance where as general feedback had a negative effect .The positive response from the students shows that they were receptive to the feedback if it is given individually and in a structured manner.