The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of animal welfare (AW) on reproductive parameters in dairy cows. The work was performed in 25 units of animal production (UPAS) dairy cattle Dairy Basin Tizayuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. The comfort of the cows (facilities management, health, nutrition and behavior) was evaluated. A questionnaire called Score for cow comfort on the Dairy Farm was used. With the help of reproductive records fertility was assessed taking into account aspects such as labor-partum interval, calving to conception, design services, doses per conception, percentage of waste for reproductive problems and age at first birth of primiparous cows. Subsequently, data and data comfort of fertility in the JMP3.1.2 SAS Institute program, which correlated with fertility comfort-was performed, were ordered. With fertility data collected descriptive statistics was performed and finally, analyzed the type of hormones that are used. The UPAS who had maximum comfort, had an average value of 17.5 fertility and those with minimal comfort, had minimal comfort level was 8.63; the significance level was (P = 0.13). One R² = 0.09 was obtained indicating that fertility is explained by .09 1 .91 comfort and other variables comfort; in addition, there is a positive relationship between the animals comfort and fertility are. Of the 14 rated UPAS only work under conditions of cow comfort and the remaining 11 have minimum conditions of comfort. Services per conception, dose per conception, birth-partum interval, age at first birth; they were high regarding optimal; however, without reaching values that cause problems; the percentage of waste for reproductive problems, said serious problems. The interval calving to conception was unique that was within the optimum values, according to the average of descriptive statistics. In conclusion, we need to BA, in the UPAS analyzed, so it is recommended awareness among the staff working in the UPAS of the importance of WA, on the productivity of animals.