Overweight can also cause problems such as sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep). The purpose of the study is to assess the effect of aerobic, yogasanas and combination of aerobic and yogasana on peak expiratory flow rate among obese men. To achieve the purpose one hundred and forty four obese men were selected as samples for the experimental study. These subjects age ranged between 25 and 40 years. For this, a purposive sampling technique was used. Further, the sample subjects were randomly assigned into almost four equated groups, viz., three experimental groups (Group I: n1= 37); Group II: n2= 35; Group III: n3= 42) and one control group (Group IV: n= 30).All these subjects were residing within radius of one to three kilometers range in grater Puducherry. The research scholar made sure from the subjects that the entire groups were ready to go through the experimental treatment. Finally it was decided to select 120 subjects for the post test having 30 subjects in each group for data collection after 12 weeks experimental training. To know the training effect ANCOVA was applied. When F is significant Scheffe’s post hoc test was applied to see the significant improvement, if any, as a result of three different training interventions. The result showed that peak expiratory flow rate showed significant difference between the groups after adjusting the initial mean difference p < 0.05. It is concluded that combined effect of yoga and aerobic exercise significantly altered the peak expiratory flow rate.