“I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved”
- Dr. B R Ambedkar
The word ‘women’ is a manifestation and a creation connoting itself into a different forms, roles and various expression. A women is the producer of a new generation and also a transformer of the vast society. Unfortunately, women are suppressed socially and economically in this patriarchal society for years. Muslim community is the largest minority community in India. In our country Muslim women are still now remain in darkness. We know that Constitution of India have tried a lot to give equality of educational opportunities and socio economic status to the Muslims and other Minority communities in India. But Muslim women feel that they are deprived of such advantage and are still lagging behind in all aspects of life as compared to the other minority and majority groups. Education is the only fundamental prerequisite for empowering women of Muslim community. Equality and empowerment of women are necessary to bring about an egalitarian human society. Empowerment is one of the pivotal concerns while addressing human right and development. Women empowerment means empowering women socially, economically, educationally and also politically so that they can break the male domination society and claim their rights equally. This paper will discuss the role of education as a weapon for empowering Muslim women in our country.