Ectopic tooth in inferior meatus of nose: a case report

Stuti Mahajan, Anupama Mahajan, Anukaran Mahajan and Karunesh Gupta

Introduction: Ectopic eruption of tooth is defined as eruption of tooth into place other than tooth bearing region. Though ectopic eruption of tooth is rare, cases have been reported where ectopic eruption of tooth is seen in Nasal cavity, orbital floor, orbit, Mandibular condyle, palate, chin and maxillary sinus. The ectopic eruption of the teeth into the inferior meatus is a rare phenomenon. It is mostly found incidentally or with nasal symptoms.
Case presentation: A 54 year old female presented to the OPD of Chikitsa ENT Hospital at Amritsar, Punjab with the complaint of nasal obstruction and nasal discharge with facial heaviness on right side for the last one year. On diagnostic nasal endoscopy, premolar tooth was reported in inferior meatus. Non contrast computerized tomography (NCCT) of nose & of Paranasal sinuses (PNS) was done. Reports were suggestive of chronic rhinosinusitis of righr maxillary and right ethmoid sinuses with a well defined irregular opacity in the right nasal cavity. Endoscopic removal of tooth along with associated soft tissue and the bony fragments were carried out under general anesthesia along with right maxillary antrostomy and ethmoidectomy. The patient tolerated the procedure very well with improvement in nasal symptoms.
Conclusion: Patient having ectopic tooth should be followed up regularly even if there is no sign and symptoms because odontogenic tumours and cysts can develop around it. Thus, crucial attention to the clinical, histopathological and radiological examination should be taken for more accurate diagnosis and early surgical intervention for removal of ectopic tooth by minimally invasive technique to prevent the development of unesthetic scar.

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