Background A ruptured ectopic pregnancy is an emergency & remains the leading cause of pregnancy related maternal deaths in 1st trimester. The objective was to study the clinical profile of E.P. in a tertiary care hospital.
Methods It was a retrospective study conducted at Govt. Maternity Hospital anmakonda Warangal .Telangana State From 1st august 2012 to31st August.2o15. a total of 60 cases were analyzed on clinical presentation , clinical features , investigations , operative findings & out come
Results A majority of women 58.3% were in the age group of 20-30 .yrs&76.6% were multy gravida.Risk factors were identified in 90% of casesAmenorrhoea 95% & pain abd.in96%were the most common coplaints .56 women 93.3% under went em.Laparotomy , 2pts3.3%received medical manage ment &2pts. 3.3% had laparoscopy.There is one 1.6% maternal death .Post operativ e morbidity like wound sepsis , febrile illness ,minor blood transfusion reactions in 15% of cases.
Conclusion E.P. Still remains one of the major causes of maternal morbidity &mortality in 1st trimester .Early diagnosis &referral in haemodynamically stable state along with use of minimal invasive surgery or medical management can change the prognosis of E.P.in developing countries.