The attempt has been made to estimate the cost of pomegranate production and return on the investment in pomegranate cultivation in Aurangabad and Jalna districts of Maharashtra. This study will help to the farmers to manage the cost of production and help to get a better return on minimum investment. The study revealed that, the cost of establishment per ha was found to be upto Rs.7,95,114.78 and Rs.6,86,040.75 of which material cost contributed Rs.3,77,739.34 (47.51%). and Rs.3,12,187.66 (45.51%) and maintenance cost shared upto Rs.4,17,375.45 (52.49%) and Rs.3,73,853.09 (54.49 %) in Aurangabad and Jalna districts, respectively. It was observed that total maintenance cost of pomegranate orchard in bearing period was found relatively higher in Jalna Rs.202720.9 as compared to Aurangabad district Rs.176781.48. The yield and income from pomegranate crop obtained in Aurangabad was 205.44 (Rs.9,57,324) and in Jalna district was 190.46 quintals (Rs.9,54,027) per ha. The study has confirmed the economic soundness of investment on pomegranate in both the districts, with NPV of Rs.32,694,58 and Rs.35,65,778 and BCR was 3.04 and 3.00 while IRR were 25.80 and 27.41 per cent in Aurangabad and Jalna districts, respectively which indicates the economic worthiness of investment. On the whole, the cultivation of pomegranate found economically feasible.