Mastitis is considered as one of the most costly disease affecting dairy cows. Many studies conducted previously to estimate the economic loss due to mastitis in India were based on the data collected from organized dairy farms having hundreds of animals where as India, the vast majority (over 80 percent)being kept in herds of 2 to 8. Hence this study has been planned to estimate the direct economic loss due to clinical mastitis based on the data collected from the herds having 2 to 8 animals in the randomly selected Cuddalore District of Tamil Nadu, during the months of April and May, 2016 and the data collected from the sample units related to the year 2015-2016. In total, 1000 farmers having dairy herd size of 2 to 8 were chosen. Among 1000 dairy farmers, 120 dairy farmers found to be experienced mastitis incidence during the study period indicating overall clinical mastitis incidence of 12 per cent. In the study area, acute form of mastitis is predominant (50.8 per cent) followed by chronic (25.8 per cent), sub-acute (22.5 per cent) and gangrenous (0.8 per cent) form. Incidence of clinical mastitis appears to have positive correlation with the daily average milk Clinical mastitis incidence appeared to be more in the cows in second lactation (54.1 per cent) as the milk production is generally higher.
Total direct economic loss due to acute mastitis, sub-acute mastitis, chronic mastitis and gangrenous mastitis were found to be Rs.1963.80, Rs. 2617.80, Rs. 4011.00 and Rs. 38685.60, respectively in which milk production loss constituted the bulk.. The weighted average total direct economic loss of all types of mastitis affected animals was found to be Rs. 3046.10 per clinical case and the extrapolation of results of this study to the entire Cuddalore district indicated that the total direct economic loss due clinical mastitis was Rs. 5.48 crores per annum.