Dural Venous Sinus Thrombosis (DVST) is rarely reported as a sequel following traumatic brain injury (TBI). In emergency, if CT Brain shows bleed, it is difficult to differentiate that has the intracranial bleed preceded or followed that trauma. We studied five patients with history of road traffic accident with large bleed on CT scan brain but not having any external injury who presented to us at rural hospital, in Vidharbha. MRV was done which showed cortical venous thrombosis in all five patients. Anticoagulation therapy is the first choice in such cases although it remains controversial in traumatic brain injury, in view increase risk of bleeding. Central India have hot and dry climate and dehydration is thus more common. In tropical region, dehydration may be the aggravating factor for DVST following TBI. The discrepancy in external injury and internal bleed size can help as one of the clue for clinical suspicion for DVST.