Our education system is dealing with the problem of drop out students in primary and secondary education. Poverty, illiteracy, lack of basic structural system are some of the main reasons for this. The Goverment and the department of education are trying hard to resolve this issue but still lacs of students are out of the basic education. Many activists sugested diffrent solutions to deal with this problem. Dramatization in schools and classrooms is one of the best solution to reduce the number of drop out. This research coducted in balsasheb bharde high school, shevgaon dist-- ahmednagr showed that when we use out of box methods to engaage the students in classromms the respond joyfully by heart and take keen interests in studies. sramatization can be proved as the best laering method in future. This research is based on the finding of more than 1000 students and 15 teachers for three month long period. The research is co9onducted with the help of renouned children theater activists and psychological counselor.