Mangroves are plant communities of the tropical and subtropical intertidal coastal zones which play an important and significant role in maintaining the coastal environment by reducing the impact of wave action and erosion in the coastal areas, preventing salinity and seawater ingress into the inland agricultural areas, and also providing protection to the coastline from the impact of cyclones. The present study was carried in mudflats mangrove patches, to find ecological status of the mangrove vegetation and to analyze significant changes). Results shows, Avicennia marina has highest Important Value Index (IVI) in Interu is 31.82, in Kruthevennu is 43.75 and in Nidamarru is 33.33. Maturity index values (MIV) of the field stations in the study area 67.00 of Interu, 61.00 of Kruthivennu and 71.00 of Nidamarru.Similarity indices (SI) is 100 and highest coefficient difference (CD) is 55.56. In the present study there is the densest mangrove vegetation at Nidamarru.