The present study was conducted to understand fodder utilization pattern in Watershed Rissa-Khad located in Mandi district of the Himachal Pradesh. Surveys and samplings of the fodder species were conducted throughout the study area between 2010 to2013. The representative villages namely Thankar, Kathogan, Kas, Khadi, Balh, Rissa, Ropri, Samsoh, Balyan, Chail, Janjehal, Gujar, Thauna, Pingla, Alayana etc., were selected at different elevations to generate information on the resource utilization pattern of fodder species. Total 52 woody species (46 Trees and 06 Shrubs) were used as fodder. Species like Albizzia chinensis, Quercus leucotrichophora, Grewia oppositifolia, Bauhinia variegata, Ficus roxburghii, Ficus hispida, Morus alba, Terminalia tomentosa, Prunus cerasoides, Lonicera quinqulocularis, Indigofera atropurpurea, Desmodium elegans and Celtis australis are mostly used as fodder. Utilization pattern, preference, distribution, nativity, mean collection value probavility of use (PU), resource use indices (RUI), of these species were determined.