Introduction: The development of sulci and gyri is the result of folding of cerebral cortex to accommodate in a limited space. Although the morphology is variable, yet a regular pattern could be classified. Any gross variation from this pattern can be indicative of certain neuropsychiatric disorders. Further, the shape, form and time of appearance can aid in microneurosurgery in trans-sulcal approach. Therefore it was considered worthwhile to observe the pattern of development of sulci and gyri in different gestational age groups. Material and methods: The study was conducted in 50 fetuses, sent by the department of obstetrics and gynaecology for routine autopsy. Brains were removed from skull and the time of appearance of various fissures and sulci were observed. The fetuses were divided into four gestational age groups.
Observations: The longitudinal fissure was the first to appear in 10-11 weeks gestation. Other sulci appear in response to the development of specific functional areas. The central sulcus on superolateral surface, callosal sulcus on medial surface were among the earlier developing sulci. The sulci on the inferior surface developed much later. The present observations are discussed in light of the available literature.
Conclusion: These findings will be helpful in providing baseline data to assess the normal development as well as any variation in foetuses.