Awareness and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may be helpful in prevention of STIs. Aim was to develop and standardize awareness and knowledge scales related to STIs. A set of items measuring awareness and knowledge related to STIs were sampled following literature and expert’s ratings, to measure the theoretical constructs. Results revealed substantial item-total coefficients of correlations and reliability coefficients of both the awareness and knowledge scales. The items so retained were pooled and two factor solutions were sought. Observations revealed two factors. The first factor (knowledge related to STIs) consisted of 8 - items; explaining a total of 24.13 % of variance, and the second factor (awareness related to STIs) consisted of 14 - items; explaining a total of 9.29 % of variance. The reliability coefficients of knowledge (SH = 0.90 & α = 0.89) and awareness (SH = 0.74 & α = 0.63) scales emerged to be substantial. The awareness and knowledge factors emerged to be independent; in conformity to the distinct nature of the theoretical constructs of awareness and knowledge domains of the behavioral measures. Conclusion: The ‘knowledge and awareness’ facets separately may be taken into account for further extended studies.