Determination of stability constant and related thermodynamics of bivalent transition metal complexes with derivative of schiffs base as ligands

Prem Mohan Mishra., Kapileshwar Mishra., Sri Lalan Kumar Jha and Sri Naresh Mohan Yadav

Schiff’s base ligands were synthesized by the condensation reaction of 5-Methoxy Furan with 7-Methoxy naphthalene-2-amine. Nitrate salts of divalent cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc were estimated by standard volumetric and gravimetric methods. Ligand was analysed for elements by literature methods. pH metric titrations were carried out in an inert atmosphere of nitrogen gas at constant ionic strength of 0.1M KNO3 with the help of digital pH meter and stability constant of complexes of these metals with the ligands synthesized were computed by Irving- Rossoti technique1 modified by Calvin Bjerrum2 at temperatures 298K.
The stability constant values of metals for the given ligand at the given temperature were found to be in the order Cu(II) > Ni(II), Co(II) > Zn (II).
This result is in agreement with the natural order proposed by Irving-William.

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