Due to their herbivorous and scavenger diet, snails are contaminated by various pollutants present in the soil and flora. However, the edible part of Achatine is one of the most consumed meats in some regions of Africa, particularly in Côte d'Ivoire. This study aims to determinate the concentrations of mercury, cadmium, lead, copper, zinc and glyphosate in Achatina achatina and evaluaterisks of exposure associated to their consumption. Analytic methods used for the determination of heavy metals and glyphosate are respectively atomic absorption spectrophotometry and HPLC. The results revealed the presence of heavy metals and glyphosate in the cephalopod Achatina Achatina. The hazard quotient assessment of exposure to chemical pollutants revealed that consumers are most exposed to cadmium because hazard quotient is greater than 1 in all locations for both children and adults. The remaining chemical pollutants have hazard quotients below 1. However, consumers are not exempt from the remaining chemical pollutants. So,people should consume Achatine meat in moderation.