Filaria worms (wucheriabancrofti) cause the elephantasis that leads to swelling to the body parts where the parasite resides. This worms transfer by biting of mosquitoes to humans. This study was carried out by conducting survey and collecting blood sample of Nanded region, including Bhokar, Kinwat, Kandahar, selu, jalkoat, wanjarwadi, petwadajetc, this study revealed that about 58.16% people were found positive for the parasite. The chronic condition of lymphatic filariasis, namely elephantiasis (lymphedema) and hydrocele was prevalent in the study population. Pathological studies of affected people showed that in all cases haemoglobin, leucocytes counts are normal whereas ESR is found to be increase in all studied patients, Biochemical analysis revealed that blood urea(mean=26.4mg/dl), blood glucose( mean=73.28mg/dl), serum albumin (mean=0.15mg/dl), serum creatinine (mean= 0.68mg/dl), cholesterol (mean 1.36mg/dl), albumin (mean=2.6 mg/dl), globulin (mean=2.3mg/dl), alkaline phosphate (mean=153.22U/l) found to be normal. This study showed that there is no much effect of the lymphatic filariasis on haematology and biochemistry of studied patient. This data was shared with the National Filaria controlling Unit Nanded and it helped NFCU unite to control the epidemic of Filaria.