Detailed microscopic study of the morpohology of the digestive tract of the female whipworm or female trichuris trichiura

Govindarajalu Ganesan

Objective:To do detailed microscopic study of the morpohology of the digestive tract of the female whipworm. Methods: All patients who had undergone colonoscopy for a period of 5 years from November 2009 to October 2014 were examined for the presence of parasitic worms. Results: Out of these patients, parasitic worm was found in only one patient. But the stool examination of the patient was negative for ova or eggs. The parasitic worm found in this patient was identified as whipworm or trichuris trichiura by its characteristic whip like shape. Conclusion: Hence colonoscopy is a very useful investigation to diagnose whipworm infection especially when the stool examination is negative for its ova or eggs.

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