The purpose of the study was to assess level of knowledge among undergraduate students regarding Hepatitis B. The study was conducted in KLEU’s Institute of Nursing Sciences using Simple Random Sampling Technique. The investigators obtained the permission from the Principal of KLE University’s Intsitute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi. Descriptive design study was adopted to assess the level of knowledge among undergraduate students regarding Hepatitis B. Self administetred knowledge questionnaire was prepared and used to collect tha data andd to assess the level of knowledge among undergraduate students regarding Hepatitis B. Statement of the problem A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding Hepatitis B among the undergraduate students of KLE University’s Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi with a view to develop an Informational Booklet”.
The objectives of the study
1. To assess the knowledge of undergraduate students regarding Hepatitis B.
2. To develop an informational Booklet regarding Hepatitis B.
Self administered knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of undergraduate nursing student sregarding Hepatitis B.
It consist of two sections:
Section- A: Socio- demographic data It consist of five items for obtaining information about the selected background factors such as sge, gender, religion, sources of information and mass media.
Section- B: Knowledge questionnaire on Hepatitis B It consist of self administered knowledge questionnaire on Hepatitis B, which includes 30 items of multiple choice questions.
Finding of the study:
Section I: Frequency and percentage distributuion of the socio-demographic variables.
• The maximum number of subjects 26 (86.7%) belongs to the age group of 18-20 years and 3(10%) belongs to the age group of 21-23 years and 1(3.3%) belongs to the age group of 24 and above.
• Among all the subjects 2 (6.7%) were male and 28 (93.3%) were female
• Maximum number of subjects 17(56.7%) belongs to Chriatian religion and 12(40%0 belongs to Hindu religion.
• Maximum number of subjects 24 (80%) were exposed to Mass media as a source of information.
Section II: Distribution of level of knowledge among undergraduate students regarding Hepatitis B.
• It is evident that the maximum number of subjects 21(70%) had average
knowledge, 7(23.3%) had poor knowledge and 2(6.75) had good knowledge regarding Hepatitis B.