Background: Whether burnout is a distinct phenomenon rather than a type of depression. As many as two thirds of people with depression do not realize that they have a treatable illness and therefore do not seek professional help.The presenting complaints often can be somatic, such as fatigue, headache, abdominal distress, or sleep problems. The common feature of the depressive disorders is the presence of sad, empty, or irritable mood. Burnout is an experience of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion, caused by long-term involvement in situations that are emotionally demanding. It is loss of ability or interest to do something. We try to investigate depression and burnout overlap and the persistence of three compensate. What has led to us research, that is there an overlap between burnout and depression.
• To find the no of CRRI’s suffering from the depression and burnout.
• The relative the distribution of the disorder with respect to different clinical postings.
• This studies demonstrate the Overlap of Burnout and major Depression symptoms.
Materials: 100 residents were randomly selected, and every objectives were explained and ensured them the information will be confidentially. Criteria for selection based on their willingness.
Methodology: In cross sectional study, all CRRI were invited to answer the questionnaire format based on Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory Scale were given to answer by them and assured about the information will be confidential.
Results: In the cross sectional study, all Interns were invited. The data of 95 were suitable for analysis.
• Depression & Burnout was greater in clinical rather than non-clinical. In clinical Internship about 39% students were depressed and 44.75% suffering from burnout syndrome. While in non-clinical internship only 10% were depressed and none of them i,e 0% suffering from burnout syndrome.
• Depression was found maximum in the O.G Interns followed by the surgery and then medicine. While most of O.G Interns were suffering from Burnout syndrome followed by the surgery and then medicine.
• Most of depressed interns were suffering from Burn-out syndrome. O.G interns were majorly depressed and burnout.
• Depression and burnout impair the physical and mental disturbance to the Interns, which lead to poor health system in GH.
• Need to review current conditions and need to bring changes that would decrease depression and burnout.
• Our study indicates the major depression and burnout are outbreak in the O.G resident.
• Additional research on preventive and intervention measure against depression required.
• In a recent studies conducted by the American Association, the they found the rate of depressed & burnout individuals increased over the time, 0.5% increases per year of calendar.