Objectives: To evaluate dental fear and anxiety among students, interns, assistants and patients in the dental college and clinics in King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Material and Methods: A specifically designed cross-sectional questionnaire was distributed to male and female dental students, interns, assistants and patients.The questionnaire supplied was both in Arabic and English languages to suit the participants, for ease of analysis. The question format used were (yes or no) type of questions.
Results:Among the participants,38.35 % were males and 61.65% were females.Bad experience in childhood and fear from dental treatment and dentist was highly significant p=0.000 and 0.002 respectively. Similarly fear from dental treatment and dentists in the past and present p=0.000. The dental students hadhigh scores in cancelling appointments for fear from dental treatment p=0.008 and increased breathing (p=0.020) dental assistants had significant levels in remembering a bad experience that happened in their childhood during dental treatment (p=0.038), patients had high significant levels for increased breathing (p=0.044), hand sweating (p=0.009), on seeing the dental clinic (p=0.003) and while in the waiting room (p=0.034). While patients specifically reported significantly higher levels of fear from general dental treatment procedures p =0.022
Conclusion:Dental fear and anxiety was experienced by all categories but with varying levels. Some categories revealed higher percentages for questions related to fear while others for anxiety. Dental fear and anxiety was more prevalent among patients and female students.