Demarcation of groundwater potentiality zones using analytical hierarchy process (ahp) model with rs & gis techniques of paschim medinipur district in west bengal, india

Nayan Hazra., Manishree Mondal and Sanjib Sau

In recent years, delineation of ground water Potentiality zones plays an increasing important role in sustainable management of groundwater resource throughout the world. Now it is very useful to demarcate ground water potentiality zones through the application of advance techniques of remote sensing and GIS based on multi criteria evaluation approach. In Paschim Medinipur District, more than 90% of rural and 60% of urban population are dependent on ground water for domestic, agriculture as well as industrial purposes. More than 80% people are of rural background and 60% of which are poor and mostly depend on groundwater for their daily livelihood.
In the present study ground water potential mapping of Paschim Medinipore District has been delineated by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) or Pairwise Comparison Matrix (PCM) model in the arena of GIS. Ten useful criteria were selected for this mapping of the study area. These are slope (degree), geology, soil, land use and land cover (LULC), drainage density, relative relief, NDVI, rainfall and geomorphology. The resultant ground water potential index has been classified into five groups using natural break classification scheme of Very high (15.19 %), high (23.55 %), moderate (29.79%), low (24.92%) and very low (6.55%). Result of this research could be helpful for better management of ground water resource in the study area and opportunity to prepare appropriate groundwater investment plain.

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