Cervical cancer is second most common cancer of women in India. Screening of cervical cytology by simple papinocolou smear is an effective tool to detect premalignant lesions of cervix. Present study was retrospectively done to determine the cytomorphological spectrum of various cervical lesions and categorize them according to Bethesda system .All the patients presenting in gynaecological OPD and health camps with gynaecological complaints were included and subjected for PAP smear. Most common complaint and physical examination finding was abnormal vaginal discharge (46.3%) and erosion on cervix (46%) respectively. A total of 300 cervical smears were evaluated out of which 22 (7.3%) cases were unsatisfactory for evaluation, 49 (16.3%) were Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy (NILM) and 196(65.3%) of NILM inflammatory category. Epithelial cell abnormality were seen in 33 (11%) with ASCUS in 15 (5%), LSIL in 12 (4%) and HSIL in 6(2%) cases. Maximum number of abnormal cases 15 (5.3%) were in age range 40-49. Cases of carcinoma were not encountered. The study enforces the significance of PAP smear screening in all the women at appropriate interval for reducing prevelance of cervical cancer in developing country like India.