In the present studies, eleven isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina incitant of charcoal rot of Sorghum bicolor L were obtained from different agro-ecological areas of solapur districts in Maharastra. It’s varied in their cultural characteristics & pathogenic behavior. On the basis of colony colour, isolates were divided into four groups i.e. blackish grey, grey, blackish in center periphery creamish and grayish white. Maximum feathery (++++) colony appearance was found in the isolates of Mp4, Mp5, Mp6 and Mp7. The individual average radial growth of 11isolates of M. phaseolina ranged from 79.11 to 90.00 mm in 7 days after incubation. North solapur (Mp3) isolates produced highest number of Sclerotia i.e 143.8 Sclerotia/9 mm disc and 40.4/microscopic field (10X) while Mohol (Mp2) isolates produced minimum number of Sclerotia (57.0 sclerotia / 9mm disc & 16.4 / microscopic 10X field). Mohal (Mp2) and Pandharpur (Mp9) isolates produced largest size of sclerotia (28.6-39.6µm and 30.6-38.5µm) whereas Akkalkot (Mp4) produced smallest size of sclerotia (15.2-16.6µm). On the basis of Sclerotia morphology, two groups of isolates were formed, the one with oblong shape having irregular edges & the other are being round with regular edges.