The Karamunting plants (Melastoma malabahtricum one of the wild plants that can be used as a drug include: anti-diabetic, diarrhea, burns and abdominal pain, dysentery, cholera, hemorrhoids, infection and toothache, increasing platelet count, increasing fibrinogen levels. the color in the root can be used as a natural black coloring, it can also be used to discolor teeth and eyebrows. Caramunting leaves contain flavanoid compounds, steroids, tannins, tannins, quinones and elements of sodium, calcium and potassium. The anthocyanin extract of karamunting fruit has activity strong antioxidants, which are needed to prevent or reduce diseases caused by free radicals. The disease that is often associated with free radicals include premature aging, cancer and heart attacks. But karamunting is still classified as wild plants, because it has not been specifically cultivated. By because of that, it is necessary to study in addition to unt UK knows its spread by analyzing vegetation so that it can be known how much the population is in each growing area, but also the need for conservation by carrying out various cultivation measures because it is feared that they will become extinct due to conversion and land use. The study was conducted at Karang Harapan sub-district, West Tarakan sub-district, Kampung Enam village and East Tarakan sub-district Amal Beach. in March-July 2018. Based on the results of the application of karamunting cultivation techniques with shoot cuttings obtained by growth as part of the character of crop cultivation shows that in general the karamunting shoot cuttings with 5 (five) locations result in plant height growth and increased leaf formation from age 2 -4 after planting cuttings (plant height; 18.11cm, 30.87cm and 64.07cm; number of leaves 5.67, 6.60 and 9.00 strands) but experienced slow leaf length increase and small branch formation and roots (13.67cm, 13.87cm and 14.13 cm; 0.27, 0.55 and 1.07 branches; 13.60, 13.87 and 14.13 roots)