Objective: To identify the persons who are Non-Compliant to DOTS therapy, to explore the factors responsible for non-compliance to DOTS therapy.
Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in selected DOTS centre of Haldwani Uttarakhand. 30 tuberculosis patients who were Non-Compliant to DOTS therapy were included by purposive sampling technique. Patients were selected as per the record of DOTS centre. An unstructured interview schedule was used to assess influencing factors related to non-compliance to DOTS therapy.
Research findings: In total 73.33% (22) subjects were males and 26.67% (8) subjects were females. The non-compliance to DOTS therapy was more among 50% (15) subjects between 41-60years. Half of the study subject’s head of the family were illiterate. Maximum 66.67% (20) of the subjects belong to upper lower socioeconomic strata. The major factors as reported by the subjects which surfaced and came out for non-compliance to DOTS therapy were lack of knowledge about DOTS therapy 100% (30), adverse effects of the therapy 70% (21), Lack of family support 76.67% (23), alcoholisms and drug abuse 13.33% (4), lack of money 13.33% (4), unavailability of the drugs at the centre 6.67%(2) and bad attitude of the staff members at the DOTS centre 13.33% (4).
The following conclusion was drawn on the basis of the study. Non compliance was found to be mainly due to adverse effects of drugs and lack of family support, lack of awareness, no formal education, stigma related to disease, low socioeconomic status, and male are more prone to become non-compliance to DOTS therapy.