In the course of marine field, those who working in ship, harbour, port, rigs, jetty, yards, docks, and other marine related jobs that everyone carries different nature of works. In India there is no fixed time for mariners especially those who working in harbour, ports, docks, yards etc… they recruitment labours through marine consultancy, agents, brokers etc… for their benefit and profit they employing labours for less remuneration with unskilled and un trained persons without any competent certificate but at the end they causing endangered situation for labours, owners and government. Even though the Marine Mercantile Department (MMD) is strict without the consent of MMD some agencies applying unskilled person for less remuneration. So the MMD should check the labours and their certificate periodically and punish the unskilled person and agency who have appoint them for work. And the same time, due to increasing in number of marine college and institution, huge number of fresh candidates passing out every year meanwhile the agents and brokers also increasing accordingly. Due to this, fresh candidates are suffering very bad situation even completing their marine studies. Placements also reduced, so the candidates without any option they choosing agents this would be the great advantage for the agents and brokers, from the agents and brokers many of them are doing fraud and forgery without holding a proper license approved by the government. Even some agents holding proper licence but getting more money from the candidates nearly 4 to 5 lacks and sending them to the old ships without RPSL like scrap, barges, tug boat etc… this puts the candidates in frustration so the government itself arrange placement for the candidate and take severe action on the agent and brokers.