Dr. Ashok Mitra was the chairman of the commission. Ashok Mitra was an Indian economist and Marxist politician. He was Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India and later became Finance Minister (19977-1987) of West Bengal. While the other members were PabitraSarkar, the honorable vice chancellor of RabindraBharati University, Professor G.S. Sannyal, Dr. Gauri Nag, Professor Mastafa Bin Kashim Sri ArunChawdhury Sri SunandaSannyal Sri ParameshAcharyaetc, and S.N Ghosh was the member Secretary.This commission was formed to verify the educational quality from 1977 in all department by applying a short time and longtime project. The commission was given the charge to find out the problem of mass education. The commission submitted their report in August, 1912 A.D. It is notable that in 1977 A.D. Left front Government had taken some new project in education. Among these projects “No detention policy” and continuous evaluation are extraordinary.