The condition of security on the web is extremely poor. Hacking is a movement in which, a man abuses the shortcoming in a framework for self-benefit or satisfaction. As open and private associations relocate a greater amount of their basic capacities or applications, for example, electronic trade, advertising and database access to the Web, at that point culprits have greater open door and impetus to access delicate data through the Internet application. Therefore the need of shielding the frameworks from the hacking created by the programmers is to advance the people who will punch back the illicit assaults on our PC frameworks. Moral hacking is an indistinguishable movement which means to discover and correct the shortcoming and vulnerabilities in a framework. Moral hacking portrays the way toward hacking a system in a moral path, subsequently with great goals. This paper portrays what is moral hacking, what are the sorts of moral hacking, effect of Hacking on Organizations and Governments. This paper examined the diverse sorts of hacking with its stages.