Each organization has its own functional area of excellence or chief resource area based on which the strategies are formulated in the other areas as well. In this paper it is intuitively reasoned as to how corporate advantage can be created in the area of Human Resources as this area would not only hold maximum value for any organization in general but also be the one to hold critical importance and a present challenge before all executives dealing with all areas of corporate function viz. Marketing, Production, Operations, Maintenance, Information Technology, Finance, etc. To create a truly great corporate advantage, an organization has to work on core competencies: restructuring of corporate port-folios, creating a learning organization and a multitude of elements which formulate an organization viz. speed, quality, size etc. The basic theme presented in this paper is that Human Resource (HR) is not a function but a ‘total business solution’. Consequently, the onus of using HR as a strategic tool lies not merely with the HR manager but with the management as a whole.