Covid19 in districts of india: a situational analysis

Dr Jadabeswar Bhattacharjee

India is passing through Covid19 pandemic since 30 January this year. The number of reported cases is increasing every day, particularly during last three months, by leaps and bounds. The Covid19 situation in 13 districts from 10 high case reporting states of India was monitored for 12 days by the help of a composite tool called ‘Covid19 Index’. The idea was to analyze Covid19 situation in those districts. Out of 13 districts, 5 were found to be in ‘good’ situation. One district showed steady improvement towards ‘good’ situation, but rest 7 district were in ‘bad’ situation of different degree. Basing on Sero-Survey results of Indian Council of Medical Research, conducted during early May this year, it was extrapolated that as on 13 September 2020, thirty-four percent of Indians were infected with Covid19 virus. Situational analysis of Covid19 at district level was found to be very important for interpretation of situation, mobilization of resources, undertaking appropriate public health activities and dissemination of correct information to public about the pandemic. It is postulated that the ascending Covid19 pandemic curve in India would start its descending journey by early November 2020.

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