SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh corona virus known to infect humans and was declared a global pandemic by WHO on 11th March 2020 and national emergency set on 12th March 2020. COVID-19 is a ss RNA virus with a source possibly from zoonotic infections like bats or pangolins transmitting to humans, where when a person suffering from this disease sneezes or coughs, a lot of droplets spread in the air or fall on the ground and nearby surfaces. Personal protection is the priority to prevent the transmission of the disease. All patients entering the preoperative assessment room should be considered as covid suspected or positive cases and anaesthesiologists should wear mask at all time. Review and practice donning and doffing. Maintaining social distancing, good hygiene, hand sanitization , avoiding or restricting any travel plans and public gathering can contribute greatly in the instance of breaking the chain of active transmission.