The problem of synthesis and reconciliation of the Ramanuja and Sirhindi is a vital significance and importance and no thinking mind can deliberately neglect it. These two philosophers have been forced to tackle the same problem and in solving them, their methods and hypothesises have been noticeably similar. Ramanuja takes the Upanisadic descriptions of creation; he holds that God, who is omnipotent, creates the manifold world out of Himself by a gracious act of will. Brahman is the only reality in the universe in the sense that outside or independent of God there is no other reality. On the other hand, Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi asserts that; we cannot know God through kashf-o-shuhud or intuition and mystic experience. He discusses dhat-o-sifat or the being and the attributes of God. God is beyond all such asma-o-sifat or names and attributes as can be comprehended by us. God the Holy One is beyond the Beyond, again beyond the Beyond and the world is the zill or effect of His sifat or attributes. The present paper shall be an attempt to describe the concept of Onto-Cosmology in Ramanuja and Sirhindi; that will break new ground(s) and open new views for oriental inquiry. Modern oriental inquiry hardly knows anything about these two philosophers, so the purpose of this paper will be; bring to light on the concept of Ontology and Cosmology in Ramanuja and Sirhindi to find out new dimensions. This study will also examine and highlight new concepts, methodologies and perspectives around the philosophy of these two great philosophers. It will also enhance our knowledge through the proposal of critical analysis.