Aim: To correlate between functional capacity and Body Mass Index using Six-Minute Walk Test in urban school going children.
Background: Obesity, overweight and underweight is undesirable health status and consists of extreme malnutrition, which has proven to be a root cause of majority of non-communicable diseases and also affects the functional capacity which is measured using six minute walk test.
Methodology: This was Cross sectional-correlational study.120 male school children in age group of 7-12 years were divided into four groups based on WHO’s pediatric BMI percentile guidelines – Group A (underweight), Group B (Normal Weight) , Group C (overweight) and Group D (Obese) . Height and weight was recorded for BMI. Pre-test vitals were taken and subjects underwent 6 minute walk test (6MWT). Post-test vitals were taken.
Results: The data was analyzed using Pearson’s correlation test which showed Group A, r =0.220 (weak positive correlation); Group B, r =0.678 (Strong positive correlation); Group C, r=0.131 (Very weak positive correlation); and Group D, r=0.275(Weak positive correlation).
Conclusions: Normal weight BMI has a strong positive correlation whereas Underweight, Obese has a weak positive correlation and Overweight has very weak positive correlation.